Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All new?

The amount of new Web adventures going on around me starts to make a big pile. So, instead of twittering them with 144 characters, here they are:
  1. A very good content Podcast about Java on server side from AlphaCSP consultants: The Alpha Pub. I really enjoyed the show, and the latest interview with Alef Arendsen has very good content. Thanks, Ophir for setting up this!
  2. The JavaEdge 2008 is on the way, and it's going to be even better than last year!
  3. just released the version 1.3.0-beta-3 of Artifactory with the integration of Jersey, which was a lot of fun to do.
  4. I sarted a new blog to release in the wild my toughts around Space, Physics and the bad taste left by the failure of Super String Theory!

That's a lot of good stuff coming, and I'm really missing Stellarium4Java and OpenJDK, but that's life... Need to set priorities, and be happy about what you did not do!